Sunday 9 June 2013

Find yourself in the Triple J Hottest 100 of the last 20 years

Hottest 100 of the last 20 years chart - Click for full size

Find yourself in the Hottest 100 of the last 20 years.
  1. To find your Hottest 100 year:  Calculate the average year of release for each song you voted for in the Triple J Hottest 100 of the last 20 years
  2. To find your score: Write down the position of each song you voted for in the Triple J Hottest 100 of the last 20 years. Songs that did not make the list get a score of 101. Add up all the numbers and divide by the number of songs you voted for (20).
  3. Your position is where the year and score meet.
  4. Share your position and this chart.

Here is how some of the Bawley crew scored
  • Nick (votes): Hottest 100 year: 2001.4, Hottest 100 Score: 90.75, Position: Choon
  • Hummer (votes): 2001.45, 84.35, In the Nu-Metal Graveyard
  • Karen: 2000.7, 93.7, In the Nu-Metal Graveyard but that is Y2K OK

And some Triple J presenters:
  • Zan Rowe (votes), Hottest 100 year:  2001.5, Hottest 100 score: 95.45, Choon
  • Alex Dyson (votes), 2003.35, 72.6, Must be a 21st Century Child
  • Tom Ballard (votes), 2001.55, 91,05, A tripod-Choon, Y2K OK, Nu-Metal Graveyard
  • The Doctor (votes), 2000.75, Failed to score :(

Bawley and Triple J Hottext 100 of the last 20 years chart positions

Be sure to share your scores with us and the chart with your friends.

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